Collaborative Hawaiʻi-Based NGSS Curriculum Development

Hawaii PK-12 Research & Development Consortium

The aim of the RDC is to establish lasting, mutually beneficial collaborations between the conservation community and Hawaiʻi schools. We seek to align conservation research with the needs of the community through the development of freely available, Hawai’i-based, Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) curriculum.
The RDC also coordinates citizen-science & student research opportunities, the development of school-campus science labs, and offers a school community science network that support research projects by offering the potential for large volume data collection.
collaborative & scalable

Opportunities & Resources

By crafting mutually beneficial relationships between teachers, cultural practitioners, and science partners, the RDC brings together researchers and classrooms across the state. 
We strive to make bio-cultural community outreach scalable while addressing educational learning objectives for Hawaiʻi’s schools by offering a number of opportunities and resources to our Teachers, Scientists, and Cultural Practitioners.
Opportunities and Resources

For Teachers

The RDC offers free, Hawaii-Based, culturally inclusive curriculum for grades Prek-12 on a wide range of science topics
Students can interact with living datasets and collect data to contribute to on-going local research
Collaborative support from scientists, cultural practitioners, and teachers across the state
Opportunities and Resources

For Scientists and Cultural Practitioners

Transform your outreach materials into a scalable, self-sustaining format compatible with state science standards
Reach classrooms state-wide to amplify outreach
Incorporate your data into existing curriculum or support your project by tapping into a state-wide resource of community data collectors